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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Year 4 are taught by Miss Shenton with support from Mrs Nurse


Please click on the tabs below to see what we have been learning, this is where I will also upload photos of what we've been up to in class!

Welcome Letter

Year 4 Long Term Plan

📝 English

Our focus text this half term is 'Gorilla' which we will be using to influence our story writing and information texts.  We will be learning to develop our writing using description and building a picture in the readers mind! We will be looking expanded noun phrases, adjectives, adverbs and fronted adverbials.



📐 Maths

During this first half term we will be focusing on numbers to 10,000 before moving into addition and subtraction.  We will also be practising our times tables, in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check.  You can find out more information on this below and also on our homework page.

🏃🏼 PE

Swimming is on a Friday afternoon during the Autumn Term. Children must remember their swimming hats please to ensure they are not wearing any jewelry. Our second PE session will remain on a Wednesday with B2 coaching. Our focus in PE this term will be rugby. 


💬 Communication
If you need to speak to the class teacher then you can do so either at the start or end of the day, if it is a quick query or by making an appointment.


Please use the home school communication books for any messages that need my attention. Children should place planners with a message in on my desk. 


Information for parents will be communicated via email so do ensure you add the above address to your contacts to avoid messages going to Spam / Junk. 

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) will take place in June 2024.

The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is an assessment that the Government has recently introduced for all pupils in Year 4. It is an online assessment that has been designed to assess whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.


From 2022 onwards the MTC will be compulsory, with all pupils in Year 4 completing the assessments in June.

The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions, which means it will be completed on a computer. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.


When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important. The more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables! To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!


Resources to Support Learning Timetables:

Topmarks resources

Please refer to the leaflet below for more information. 
