Maths Week 2022-23
We had a brilliant week all about maths! Every class took part in different activities throughout the week including a workshop funded by the EHSA and provided by the Problem Solving Company. Have a look at the great work that was happening below.
Foundation Class have been learning about Kandinsky and looking at how he uses shapes in his art work. They enjoyed an afternoon of maths and computing with their year 6 buddies, creating Kandinsky inspired artwork and drawing shapes with Beebots.
Year 1
Year 1 have been looking at how many different ways they can represent a number! They have created interesting posters to show their knowledge. They also used shapes to create pictures of people and places.
Year 2
Year 2 have been singing lots of maths songs this week as well as setting up their own shop! They have been using money to buy things and giving change.
Year 3
Year 3 have been listening to lots of maths stories. They have used their measurement skills to draw Celtic Knots- it tested their ruler skills!
Year 4
Year 4 have been practising telling the time and linking maths and science by carrying out some data collection about teeth! Year 4 also went outside and created symmetrical images using natural objects.
Year 5
Year 5 have looked at angles, shapes and directional lines to create artwork inspired by perspective. They have also been learning life skills linked to money.
Year 6
Year 6 have been doing lots of different activities linked to Maths! They have written maths themed stories for their foundation buddies, researched famous mathematicians and looked at the contribution they made to maths as well as playing lots of fun games to practise their skills.