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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care


Elworth Hall School Association (PTA)

Welcome to Elworth Hall School Association!

Take a look below at some of the things we do, projects we fund and how you too can get involved...


PTA Chair: Hannah Parry

PTA Treasurer: Brigit Freeman

PTA Secretary: Tarrin Weigelt


For all enquiries, please contact us on

In Scrabble – 5 points

In School – Priceless!


Please support Elworth Hall School Association


If you work for a company that match funds raised – you can help.

If you can ask a company for a raffle prize – you can help.

If you can send in donations for prizes when asked – you can help.

If you can look after a stall at one event in the year – you can help.

If you can turn up to one meeting a year – you can help.

There are many ways to get involved – Just ask!


Visit our Facebook Page: Elworth Hall School Association or join our private Facebook Group: ELWORTH HALL SCHOOL ASSOCIATION

The parents and carers who help out with Elworth Hall School Association work extremely hard to support the children to fund additional resources for them.  If you are interested in joining the group, they hold regular meetings to discuss fund raising initiatives and projects to support.  If you have any spare time and you would be interested in helping, please email

Listed below are some of the donations they have supported:


  • 32 Forest stools to complete our outdoor classroom

  • Diamond Jubilee celebration coasters for everyone in school

  • A full day 'Lego' workshop for us to build our Olympic village

  • A fantastic extension to our 'trim trail'

  • Embossed autograph books for the Year 6 leavers

  • Happy Puzzle workshop

  • Numerous iPads

  • Hoodies for Year 6 leavers

  • Furniture & Storage in Foundation area

  • Library furniture and shelving

  • Outdoor storage sheds


When ordering Stikins Name Labels, please quote our fundraising number 6822, to enable us to receive 30% commission. 

To order, please visit or click on the purple banner below.

Stikins Name Labels 
