What our pupils say:
"I love our computing lessons. I have learned all about the internet and how to collaborate on Scratch. I've even used this at home to get better at it" (Year 6 pupil)
"I Like Art lessons. I have got better at Art since Year 2." (Year 3 pupil)
"I our History unit at the moment. We are studying the Mayans. We got to design a model of Chichen Itza which was an important piece of architecture."(Year 5 pupil)
"Our Geography topic is all about Australia. We have learned about lots of different landmarks like Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. We have compared this to London. I enjoyed it." (Year 2 pupil)
"Computing is fun! Even when we don't use the devices I still learn loads." Year 5 pupil
"Geography teaches us about the world we live in." Year 4 pupil
"We used our learning about rocks in Y3 to help us to understand mountains in Y4." Year 4 pupil
"We learnt how to experiment with colours in Y5 which helped our learning in art in Year 6." Year 6 pupil
At Elworth Hall, our vision is that 'every child has access to highest quality education everyday, in a nurturing and caring environment.'
We offer a curriculum which includes opportunities to be creative and develop problem solving skills, to develop resilience and responsibility, to develop children through both physical development and mental wellbeing.
Our curriculum recognises and celebrates the individual needs of our children whilst providing a broad range of knowledge and skills to promote independence, resilience and mutual respect to develop lifelong learners and prepare our children for their future.
The values of our school curriculum are to develop children who are;
- Respectful
- Resilient
- Responsible
- Creative
- Curious
- Independent
Our curriculum ensures we fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education through discrete teaching of foundation subjects.
Each subject has a whole school subject overview to ensure they provide progression of knowledge allowing for links to be made to prior learning. Delivery of subjects is either through the use of a accredited scheme or MTP's designed by the subject leaders. Where plans have been designed, they are clearly sequenced making links to prior and future learning, include key vocabulary to be taught and assessment opportunities. Subject leaders conduct rigorous monitoring of their subject responsibilities to ensure that planning is being followed consistently and the sequence of lessons is evident. They also conduct pupil voice to ensure children are knowing and remembering more. This monitoring also highlights where CPD needs are and coaching is offered through sharing of good practice within school or by seeking opportunities offered across the Chancery Trust with whom we have made curricular links.
Teachers ensure that learning develops a sense of ‘belonging and being’ and helps children to connect to the past, live in the present and look to the future; encouraging curiosity and a passion to learn. Learning activities demonstrate high aspirations for their future and encourage children to embrace new challenges and possibilities; pushing their own boundaries. Lessons develop their knowledge, understanding and skills; being ‘determined to succeed’ and becoming independent thinkers and questioners; acquiring a solid basis for lifelong learning
Our curriculum encompasses not only the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum but offers a wealth of rich experiences beyond the classroom. These include; visitors, trips and residential opportunities throughout their time at Elworth Hall. We pride ourselves on our partnerships with parents and the wider community to ensure home and school work closely together to provide the best outcomes for our children.
We strive to promote a love for reading and a passion to explore the benefits of reading to support the wider curriculum. All children will have a variety of reading experiences; this includes guided reading, 1:1 reading, reading independently, hearing stories in class and in assemblies. All these experiences develop our children as readers to allow them to access reading across the curriculum; this may be through using primary and secondary resources in history, conducting research about famous Artists or interpreting information within science to name a few.
PSHE is at the heart of our curriculum as we feel the children’s emotional and wellbeing needs are of priority to ensure they achieve their full potential. We follow a discrete PHSE programme including; No Outsiders. These lessons build positive learning behaviour and enable our children to be successful learners both within the classroom and beyond. Our PHSE curriculum promotes our school values, encouraging children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions through their learning of British Values – Individual Liberty, Tolerance and Mutual Respect, Democracy and the Rule of Law to allow them to make a positive contribution to the wider world and develop life skills.
As a result of a well-planned and implemented curriculum, we enrich every child's school experience by creating an environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be. We encourage independence through the development of metacognitive strategies and use of visual tools to support the children.
As children leave Elworth Hall, they will be knowledgeable, respectful, resilient, responsible and independent individuals who are driven by their own curiosity and thirst for learning. The exploration of new skills and experiences will help to empower our children to be confident citizens within the wider world.
Year 4 Learning Morning
Foundation Class Learning Afternoon
Year 2 Learning Morning
Learning Morning Year 3
Year 5 Learning Morning