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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care



This term we will be learning;



Report writing using BEE by Charlotte Voakes as stimulus

Retelling stories and developing sentence structure using Me…Jane as a stimulus.



Multiplication including rapid recall of facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 10

Multiplication of 2 digits by 1 digits

Division of 2 digits by 1 digit


Consolidating written methods for addition and subtraction

Developing a range of methods to calculate mentally



Plants- knowing the parts and functions of flowering plants and the part they play in the life cycle of a plant

Light- Exploring reflections and shadows and understanding the importance of keeping safe in sunlight



Ancient Egyptians



Landscape art using a range of techniques, we will be creating landscapes of Spain


Design Technology

STEM week - 2D to 3D textiles- creating owl soft toys

food and nutrition 


Religious Education

Hinduism & Sikhism following the Discovery RE curriculum 



Body percussion and exploring music inspired by The Stone Age



Learning how to use 'green screen' technology

online safety, communication online


Physical Education

Striking and fielding skills

Athletics in preparation for Sports Day 


Visit here to see our learning develop over the term. 





Rebecca Davies Vert Skateboarder visit

Stone Age rap

Still image for this video
Mrs Abbotts has been teaching Year 3 a Stone Age rap. I’m sure you will agree they sound amazing!

Exploring textures for Spanish buildings sketches

Cricket skills developing with SCFC

Dog’s Trust Visitor

PE fundamental skills

DT Owls

PE Striking and Fielding skills

Cow sculpture inspired by Peter Diem
