RSE/ PHSE Curriculum
At Elworth Hall primary School, we believe ‘every child achieves because we care’. This motto is applied through all our learning but in particularly in promoting our children as individuals who are respected and respect each other regardless of race, religion, age, sexuality, gender and disability. The Equality Act 2010 makes it quite clear that discrimination is not to be tolerated in society and we ensure this tolerance is promoted through school to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding they need to demonstrate respect and tolerance in a diverse society to live happy and healthy lives in which they are free to be who they want to be.
The values of our school curriculum are to develop children who are;
- Respectful
- Resilient
- Responsible
- Enquiring
- Independent
These values are taught discretely through our PHSE curriculum to ensure that the children live by these values as they leave Elworth Hall and more onto the next phase in their life of learning.
The relationships, sex and health education guidance is placed into building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships in all contexts, including online relationships. Health education includes supporting pupils to foster a positive sense of wellbeing and resilience to ensure they believe that they can achieve their goals, both academically and personally. In order to achieve this, our relationships, sex and health education is covered through a range of subjects; science, computing, PE, and discrete relationship and sex sessions.
Where relationship and health objectives are taught through curriculum lessons, these objectives are taken directly from the PSHE Association Thematic Overview and government guidance and are therefore statutory coverage. Our discrete relationships and sex sessions are taught using ‘The No Outsiders’ scheme by Andrew Moffat and the PSHE Association objectives. In consultation with parents, they are happy for our school to teach sex education, even though it is not statutory in Primary schools. Parents will be informed prior to these lessons taking place and they have the right to withdraw their child from any sex education sessions.
We will develop children who understand the benefits that exist in a society where diversity and differences are celebrated. Children who know how to keep safe and healthy both on and offline, knowing how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. Children who develop personal attribute of kindness, integrity, generosity and honesty, whilst demonstrating respect and tolerance of all those they meet in their life’s journey.
More information can be found about our No Outsiders curriculum can be found under the Key Information Tab at the top of the page.