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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP) is money that the government allocates to schools on the basis of Free School Meal returns, Looked After Children, Special Guardianship Children, Child Arrangement Order, Children Adopted from Care and Nursery aged children when parents are in receipt of certain government benefits (see list below) ; it is intended to be used to help narrow the achievement gap. Nationally, pupils eligible for pupil premium funding do not achieve as well as those pupils who are not eligible. At Elworth Hall, we strive to ensure all pupils achieve their potential.


Pupil Premium is a significant amount of money and it is important that all families who may be eligible for Free School Meals or certain government benefits, such as Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support, make sure that they apply! Please see the school office if you are unsure. Every school is free to decide how best to direct this funding to meet the needs of individual pupils.



All parents (Nursery to Year 6) in receipt of the following must complete the forms available from the school office if you get 1 of the following:

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


Pupil Premium at Elworth Hall Primary School

As a school we are committed to raising the achievement for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium and understand that many of these pupils must make accelerated progress compared to non-eligible pupils to achieve this. We, as a school, are able to determine how best to use the Pupil Premium grant to support pupils and raise education attainment; we create an overall package of support aimed to tackle a range of barriers as specified in the PP spending plan attached. 


Monitoring Pupil Progress and Attainment

The school rigorously monitors and evaluates the impact of Pupil Premium funding. Tracking of progress over time is essential so that we can quickly identify need and develop strategies and interventions to accelerate progress.  The data we collect is consistently used during pupil progress meetings which take place half termly.


The Three Year Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2024 attached as a PDF document. This includes the following information:

  • the school’s pupil premium grant allocation;
  • a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school;
  • how we will spend the pupil premium to overcome these barriers and reasons for the approach;
  • how we will measure the effect of the pupil premium
  • date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy - October October 2024


In order to plan how we spend the Pupil Premium Grant, we have analysed the impact of Pupil Premium funding last year to identify strengths and areas for development for each year group based on end of year outcomes and have drawn on research evidence (such as the EEF and Sutton Trust toolkit) and evidence from experience, to allocate the funding to activities that are most likely to have an impact on improving achievement.

PP Statement 2023-24 including review 2022-2023
