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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care



At Elworth Hall, we value our parents support in all that we do. Home Learning is to consolidate all that we do in school. 


Reading:  Year 4

Children in Year 4 should read and record 4 times a week to develop their skills in fluency and comprehension. Where possible, this reading should be shared with an adult but it is the responsibility of your child to record their reading.  Children are assessed by staff at the end of each term to determine their book band. Children will bring home a banded reading book from school to read at home. If your child is not enjoying their selected school book band book, they are able to read a book of choice, but please ensure this is recorded so the appropriateness of these texts can be checked by the teacher. 


Please note that books and reading records MUST be in school every day.  Reading books will be changed on a Monday ONLY. 



We follow the Ready, Steady, Spell program to deliver spelling lessons 3 times a week. The children will complete a spelling word check each Friday. Spellings will be sent out at the start of each half term. Please support your child to use the strategies detailed to practise and prepare for the word check. 




The children are expected to practise multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 at least 4 times a week for approximately 10 minutes. The children have access to TTRS and each Monday a Blooket QR will be posted. The children can also practise these facts verbally with an adult or through the use of off line games and activities- a pack of cards is great resources for times table practise as are dice.

Year 4 will also be expected to complete a weekly Maths workout to practise and consolidate prior learning. Some weeks this may be more than one workout to complete. Books must be returned to school each Thursday to allow marking to be completed. 

At points throughout the year, your child may receive additional Maths homework to practise and consolidate learning in school. 

Blooket QR
