Below is an outline of what we will be learning in each subject this term.
English- Sentence Structure
Maths- Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
2D and 3D shapes
Science- Seasonal Changes
Computing- Programming
History- How am I making History?
Geography- What is it like here?
DT- Free standing structures
Art- Self portraits influenced by Alexei Jawlensky
RE - How did the world begin?
What do some people believe God looks like?
PE - Team building
Key skills - Movement
Music - Singing in unison
PSHE - Relationships
Maths - subtraction using a number line

Maths - escape room
Design Technology - Free-Standing structures

Computing - Digital Painting

Music - The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Computing - using a keyboard to type on a computer

Science - Making snow
16.10.24 Maths - part whole model
Computing - using a mouse

Geography - drawing a map
Geography - locating key features of the playground
Art - Alexei Jawlensky
