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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care



Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate pupils. It is a vehicle for individual expression, and it can play an important role in the personal development of all. Music can reflect the culture and society that we live in or come from, and the teaching and learning of music enables pupils to learn more about the world we live in. Music can play an important role in helping all pupils feel part of a community. We provide opportunities for all to create, play, perform and enjoy music; to develop the skills to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms, and to develop the confidence to make informed judgements about music. Opportunities for all are available within music lessons and in extra-curricular activities.


Music is a science.

Music is mathematical.

Music is a foreign language.

Music is history.

Music is Physical Education.

Music develops insight and demands research.

Music is all of these things, but most of all,

Music is Art - this is why we teach music. We do not expect every child to become a performer or composer but there are many other skills within music that support all aspects of the curriculum. 


Our children are taught music from Y1 to Year 6 by two Music specialists. We have close links to Love Music Trust (Cheshire East' Music Hub) and regularly perform at their events locally. We use the Love Music Trust Music Curriculum which is ambitious and sequenced to ensure children gain the knowledge and skills to build on their music foundations. We have incorporated the Model Music Curriculum into our curriculum. In assemblies we expose the children to music they may never have heard before and also highlights composers from historic periods to present day. 


Our music clubs include our School Choir and School Band which will begin Spring 2025. Ensembles from school have performed at Cheshire Show, Sandbach Community events, Cheshire East Music Competition and at many local Care Homes. Performance is a large part of development of a musician at Elworth Hall, in school, as we believe it to be an inherent part of each child’s musical education.

Children who learn music at any level learn self-discipline, expression through sound, fine motor skills, further develop problem solving skills, learn how to cooperate and collaborate with others, and learn how to ignite the creative and critical mind. Most importantly, if the children can come away understanding that music offers all those qualities in addition to the enjoyment in listening casually or with great attention, then I have achieved my aim. Anyone who is educated in music learns these skills whether they know it or not.


Intent· To understand that music is created to be performed, and to participate in regular performance
· To appreciate that music is created through a process involving a number of techniques
· To recognise that compositions need to be understood by others, and that there are techniques and a       language for communicating them
· To describe music, appreciating the features and effectiveness of musical elements
Implementation· Use their voices expressively and creatively
· Play tuned and un-tuned instruments through high quality musicians from Love Music Trust
· Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live, recorded and historical   music
· Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments
· Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes
· Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
· Use and understand musical notation
· Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians through the years
Impact· Foster a respect and understanding of all music genres
· Create a secure foundation of skills on which to develop their own musical interests and talents
· Nurture confident and adaptable performers and audience members

Performances by School Ensembles

At Elworth Hall, we take part in many external performances. The pupils have the opportunitiy to perfom at competitive events like Cheshire East Music Competition and Sandbach Young Musician of the Year. We have recently performed at Sandbach Christmas Market and School Christmas Fair with our Foundation Class and School Choir. We have also performed in the beautiful St Mary's Church Nantwich, Macmillan Cancer Care at Leighton Hospital and local Care Homes for residents.  Our Year 4 children, every year, have the opportunity to learn Music through World Drumming as part of the Wider Opportutities programme provided by Love Music Trust - our local Music Hub. This gives pupils the chance to learn in a cross-curricular way about countries and cultures. Built in to the Year 4 curriculum, are more than three opportunities to perform to live audiences.  Our local Music Hub have high-quality curriculum and peripatetic teachers who come into school to teach the curriculum and for vocal, guitar, violin, woodwind, brass and keyboard lessons. 

Our Headteacher Playing the Tuba with Foden's Brass Band Quintet

Summer Fair 2024

Guitar Ensemble

Cheshire Show 2024

RNCM Post Graduate Students performing to our Year 3 class

Cheshire Show 2023
