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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care



Below is an outline of what we will be learning in each subject this term.




Maths- Numbers to 100, introducing multiplication and division, real life Maths - time, money and capacity 


Science- Plants and Seasonal Changes 


Geography- What is it like to live in Shanghai?


History- How have explorers changed the world?


DT- Moving pictures - levers


Art- British Landscapes inspired by Alfred Wallis


Computing- Creating media - digital writing 


RE - What does it mean to belong? How do groups express this differently?

         Marking life’s journey


PE - Athletics

        Net and Wall


Music - Under the Sea and Blast off!


PSHE - Diversity within the World

             Growing and Changing


PE - ball skills


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

PE - dribbling and passing

Still image for this video

Design Technology - levers


Dogs Trust Visit

Parachute Games

Geography - Physical and Human Features

Science - Plants

Maths - addition using a number line 16.4.24

PE with B2 coaching
