Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Year 5 are taught by Miss Shenton and Mrs Wakefield. We are supported by a team of TAs - Mrs Nurse, Mrs Cottam and Mrs Elford. Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays with Mr Guildford and Miss Roberts.
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning | Miss Shenton | Mrs Wakefield | Mrs Wakefield | Miss Shenton | Miss Shenton |
Afternoon | Miss Shenton | Mrs Wakefield | Mrs Wakefield | Mrs Wakefield | Miss Shenton |
📚 Home Learning Autumn Term
Reading records and books are checked and changed on Tuesday. The expectation is reading at home is recorded in your child's reading record at least 4 times a week.
Spellings will be sent out each half term with a word check on taking place on Friday. Please encourage your child to practise spellings at home.
TT Rockstars should be accessed at least once a week. Your child will have a specific login to access the site.
Autumn 2
After half term, Year 5 will be sending home 2 homework books. One will be for maths and the other for Grammar. Specific pages will be sent home weekly.
More information to follow!
🏃🏼 PE
PE days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
PE is taught by Mr Guildford and Miss Roberts through B2 Coaching. Children should come into school wearing their PE kit on those particular days. Children should wear the correct PE kit, including trainers for outdoor PE. Earrings should be removed on PE days. If you are unable to remove them, please ensure they are covered as we cannot do this in school. On Tuesdays, children will be taught cricket by Mr Tomlinson. This will only be in Autumn 2.
If your child attends an after school club, they must wear their school uniform to school and bring the required kit to change into at the end of the school day.
💬 Communication
If you need to speak to us then you can do so at the end of the day, if it is a quick query or by making an appointment using the following email address
📧 Please subject this email FAO Mrs Wakefield or Miss Shenton