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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Year 5 are taught by Mrs Smith, supported by Miss Sumner.
Love Music Trust deliver the music curriculum on Tuesday and B2 Coaching deliver a PE session on Wednesday.

Mrs Nurse and Mrs Bland will deliver a lesson each week when they cover the class.

📚 Home Learning


Reading records and books are checked and changed on Friday. The expectation is reading at home is recorded in your child's reading record at least 4 times a week.


Spellings will be sent out each half term with spelling tests taking place on Friday. Please encourage your child to practise spellings at home.

Punctuation and Grammar

Tasks will be given fortnightly for your child to complete.


TT Rockstars should be accessed at least once a week. Your child will have a specific login to access the site.

Arithmetic/Maths will be given fortnightly for your child to complete.





🏃🏼 PE

PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday is taught by Mr Guildford through B2 Coaching and Thursday by Mrs Smith. Children should come into school wearing their PE kit on those particular days. If your child attends an after school club, they must wear their school uniform to school and bring the required kit to change into at the end of the school day.



💬  Communication

If you need to speak to Mrs Smith then you can do so at the end of the day, if it is a quick query or by making an appointment using the following email address


📧 Please subject this email FAO Mrs Smith






