Home Learning Expectations
At Elworth Hall, we value our parents support in all that we do. Home Learning is to consolidate all that we do in school. Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned to school the following Friday to be marked.
The children are expected to read regularly and record in their planners. Planners will be checked on a Friday. They will also be asked to complete a comprehension task from their CPG booklet weekly.
The children will complete a grammar task every week. This will be a page from their CGP Grammar book. Homework is issued on Friday and must be returned the following Friday for marking.
Each week, children are given a list of spellings to learn. These link to the spelling pattern that we are focusing on in class that week. They can choose how they practise these, there are suggested ideas on the bottom of the spelling list.
Maths homework will be arithmetic based and allows your child to practice skills they have learnt in the form of a page from the CPG book.