Art & Design

We aim for our children to become proficient, creative and inspirational artists, who recognise the future job prospects art can have in everyday lives.
At Elworth Hall Primary School, we believe that high-quality Art lessons will inspire children to think innovatively and develop creative procedural understanding. Our Art curriculum provides children with opportunities to develop their skills using a range of media and materials. Children learn the skills of drawing, colour, form, printing, and pattern and are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. Children are expected to be reflective and evaluate their work, thinking about how they can make changes, develop their skills and keep improving. This should be meaningful and continuous throughout the process, with evidence of age-related verbal reflection. At Elworth Hall Primary, school we encourage children to take risks and experiment in art. Taking risks provides children with the opportunity to reflect on why different ideas and techniques are successful or not for a particular project.
Our Art Curriculum is well thought out and planned with the purpose of demonstrating the progression of skills and knowledge. Teachers deliver a sequence of discrete art lessons each term within our curriculum, ensuring the skills and knowledge of their year group is taught and that effective links are made to prior learning. Key vocabulary is introduced within each unit of work to develop the children’s building blocks to learning. The work that is produced by the children is celebrated and displayed in school for others to see. Some classes will go on trips or have visiting experts in school to enhance the learning experience.
Children will be introduced to a range of artists, both world renowned and artists based in The United Kingdom. The art lessons are sequenced so that children can develop skills in portraiture (drawing and colour), still life and 3D (form, sculpture) and in the Summer term we deliver skill based lessons (pattern, print and collage). The curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 is designed to build on the foundations of art and design that takes place in EYFS. We measure the impact of our art curriculum through the following methods once a term:
· Art portfolios
· Learning walks
· Pupil voice – discussions about their learning; which includes discussions about their thoughts, ideas and progress.
· A reflection on the standards achieved against the planned outcomes.