Home Learning expectations
At Elworth Hall, we value our parents support in all that we do. Home Learning is to consolidate all that we do in school.
Reading: Key Stage 1 & Foundation Class
The children in KS1 and Foundation Class use daily phonics lessons and explicit reading sessions to develop their skills in decoding and comprehension. We regularly use the reading assessment tool from our reading scheme -Collins Big Cat to help teachers understand what level their pupils are reading at. This assessment explicitly assesses pupil’s instructional and independent reading levels using unseen, meaningful texts. Children are assessed by staff, as and when appropriate, to determine their book band. Children will bring home a banded reading book from school to read at home. Across school we use the Collins Big Cat Reading and Phonics Scheme.
Home Reading Expectations: Children in Foundation Class and KS1 are expected to read at home at least 5 times per week to an adult. This can be from their banded reading book or a book from home. Any reading will be recorded at home for the teacher to track carefully to ensure progress is being made. Teachers and TAs in school listen to the children read individually to. This ensures that children are making good progress with the skills they are being taught.
Children in Foundation Class must:
- hold a pencil correctly
- correctly form letters both lower case and upper case
- know the alphabet sounds and names of the letters
Children in Foundation Class must:
- be able to count forwards and backwards
- Know their numbers bonds to 10
- form numbers correctly