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Elworth Hall Primary School

Every child achieves because we care



25.3.24 L.O: dividing by 5

PE - moving targets

22.3.24 L.O dividing by 2,5 and 10

Design and Technology - making fruit kebabs

PE - Targets

Design Technology- sorting fruit and vegetables

PE - under arm and over arm throwing skills aiming for a target

Reading for pleasure

Maths 15.2.24 L.O divide by 2

PSHE - to know what road safety is and understand to keep safe. Take a look at our maps we created. We had to make sure there were at least two safe crossings on our map getting from home to school.

8.2.24 L.O: grouping

Safer Internet Day 2024

6.2.24 L.O: arrays

Computing - algorithms

Art - What is an Artist?

Maths Week Workshop

Design Technology - making a moving vehicle using wheels and axles

Maths Week - times tables rockstar day

No Outsiders - to understand what diversity is

Computing - giving instructions

Science - identifying uses of everyday materials
