Maths Week 2023-24
What a brilliant week! It was amazing to see all of the children so engaged in their learning. On Thursday, every class took part in an escape room challenge. EYFS and KS1 had to use their maths knowledge and skills to save Mathania before the magical queen returned! They used logical thinking and problem solving to make sure Mathania was all ready for the queen’s return and luckily no one was turned into stone. KS2 had a different challenge- they had to save the world from Robotrons! It was a race to solve the problems and find code that could be used to activate the school laser and destroy the Robotrons! With only a few minutes to spare- all classes managed to enter the code and destroy the Robotrons. A big thank you to EHSA for funding the escape rooms and enabling so much brilliant mathematical thinking to happen.
On Friday, we had a Rockstar day. It was fantastic! The thought and effort that the children put into their outfits was brilliant and there was lots of times tables learning happening throughout the day. Year 1 were even practising their maths skills in PE by making numbers with their bodies in their rockstar outfits.